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  • Soundproofing

    Has anyone in here ever done any soundproofing? I have a rather noisy door in the new condo (leads to the outside hallway) and am wondering if any products exist to put on the back side to shield my neighbors and me from any transient noises. Also, costs? Suppliers? etc etc


  • #2
    Re: Soundproofing

    Depending on the finish you are going for you're likely better to go for a better door itself. I dont know what you've currently got but it should be a hallway rated door so it should already be pretty thick. if not, that the first place to start. Make sure these have the specific fire rating that is needed for hallway doors, its done on a burn time rating and the inside edge of the door near the hinge should have a marker on it that says what it is.
    Obviously thicker is better.

    Also work on sealing the bottom of the door with a weather strip. This will stop sound from coming under the door.
    Team Highschool
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